Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Button Ironman Reference Button 1 (Trigger) Boost (Increase acceleration up to the top speed) Button 1 (Trigger) After Burner (Increase top speed) Button 2 (While in Landing Mode) Cycle Landing Mode (Manual/Automatic) Button 2 (While in Quantum Drive Mode) Start/Stop Quantum Jump Button 3 Cycle Friendly Targets Forward Button 4 Cycle Hostile Targets Forward Button 5 Cycle Counter Measure Forward Button 5 Launch Counter Measure Button 6 Toggle IFCS Flight Mode (Precision/Combat/Cruise) Buttons 7 8 9 10 Not used. ) to swap yaw and rotate on the joystick axes X & Y.
If your like me you'll also have to hit ( Right Alt +. This will disable rotating/pitching with the mouse so you can aim your turrets and gimbaled weapons. NotesĮvery time you sit in the pilots seat, or re-spawn you'll have to enable HOMAS Mode ( Right Shift). Will apply new action maps by file name from the mappings directory above. Best Star Citizen Key Bindings With Demonstrations Explanations I show you my keyboard key bindings, worked on this for a very long time to get everything just Keybinding Guide for Star Citizen 3.0 Get 5k Bonus credits when you use this link to create a new Star Citizen account: Follow Buying Star Citizen Of course the desperate and lonely where going to flock to him.